ZF English

Fan Courier up to 9.6m euros in H1

09.08.2006, 19:19 8

Postal and courier service company Fan Courier Express posted 9.6 million euros in turnover in the first half, an increase of 55% on the same time last year.
"We've kept within the forecast growth thus far, compared with the corresponding period of last year," the company representatives say.
Fan Courier Express estimates turnover to be worth over 20 million euros this year, an increase of 50-60% from last year. Turnover in 2005 stood at 14 million euros, 40% more than in the previous year, as the car fleet and number of employees increased.
The expansion trend of the company continued this year, as well, with the total number of employees reaching over 1,000 halfway through the year, from 680 at the end of 2005. This year's investments will focus on employees, as they did last year.
"We will invest more than 250,000 euros in training for our personnel," the company officials say.
Fan Courier Express also plans to invest in infrastructure development, especially since EU accession will come with much more aggressive competition for the courier service company, as well as with more clients.
Under the circumstances, FCE does not rule out the possibility of mergers generated by the accession. "We've had a number of proposals thus far, but found none that would convince us," FCE officials say.
Over 70% of Fan Courier Express' services consisted in shipment of mail throughout the country, with parcel shipping accounting for the rest.
According to the data published by the National Regulatory Authority for Communications (ANRC), Fan Courier accounts for 41.1% of the domestic market of "express postal services".
Fan Courier Express is the second-largest company on the domestic courier service market after Cargus, which posted 15.3 million-euro turnover in 2005. The two players account for approximately 80% of a market put at about 40 million euros.
Fan Courier Express has 400 distribution offices throughout the country and a fleet of 1,000 vehicles.
Fan Courier customers are large companies (70% of the total), SMEs (28%) and individuals (2%). On the market since April 2001, following a one million-euro investment, Fan Courier provides freight transportation, courier, distribution and valuables transport services.

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