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First Audi S6 worth over 100,000 euros goes to Timisoara

First Audi S6 worth over 100,000 euros goes to Timisoara

The sport version of the A6 model costs 103,000 euros

26.09.2007, 19:19 38

Porsche Romania, Audi importer domestically, in August delivered this year's first Audi S6 through Porsche Timisoara. Audi S6 is the sport version of A6, the large-class model of the German carmaker. The delivered car is an Avant version, with a price of 103,000 euros, VAT included.
This November, Audi is due to launch the new A4 medium-class model of the German carmaker on the domestic market. "(...) The first units will be delivered starting December," stated George Sanduleac, Audi brand manager.
Most buyers of the current generation of the A4 model in 2007 switched to the sport versions of the German brand.
In the first eight months of this year, Audi generated sales of 1,834 units on the domestic market, up almost 61% from the same period of last year.
"Audi has maintained its up to 500 units lead compared with its main rivals on the premium market. For this year, we forecast sales of above 2,400 units," Sanduleac said.
During the same time interval, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, the main rivals of Audi on the premium market, registered sales of 1,313 and 1,608 units, respectively. Against them, Audi also registered the biggest increase, of 60.7%, compared with 41.6% in the case of BMW and 47.7% for Mercedes.
In 2007, Audi also witnessed an increase in the average purchasing price domestically from last year, owing to the stronger configuration of the model, with most customers opting for personalised models, particularly in the case of top models, such as the A8 limo and Q7 SUV.
"The average price of an Audi delivered this year stands at 44,000 euros, 20 percent higher than in 2006. More than 40% of Q7 buyers and 50% of A8 buyers opted for personalised versions," said Sanduleac.
Sales of premium brands registered accelerated growth this year compared with volume brands, such as Skoda, which in the first eight months posted a 21.3% increase, way below the growth rate of imports, of 53.2%.
"Taking into account the three major players, the premium car market surged by 49.6% in the first eight months, with Audi registering above-average growth of 60.7%," Sanduleac added.
Audi network currently includes 14 dealerships, with another 3 to be launched this year.

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