ZF English

Higher demand for Romanian managers

07.07.2003, 00:00 14

The number of management positions offered to Romanians by various private companies has been going up lately, due to a wave of investments made in retail and production especially, the representatives of recruitment agencies feel. "The multinational companies investing in Romania prefer Romanian applicants, because the expats are more expensive and have less extensive knowledge of the market," says Minerva Cernea, Pederson & Partners headhunting company manager for Romania. According to Cernea, the Romanian candidates' training quality had improved over the last few years, so that they were now filling management positions at a regional level and even within Western companies. Still, mentality often remains an obstacle for Romanians, according to Cernea, as the "they (employers) are looking for people up to 40 years old, to have had as little to do with the old system as possible, energetic and ambitious," she explained. ZF


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