ZF English

Intrarom cuts turnover target in half

19.10.2007, 21:26 13

Intrarom, one of the main providers of IT&C products and solutions in Romania, posted a 34.7 million-euro turnover in the first half of this year, and estimates to reach around 70 million euros by the end of this year, against 63.7 million euros in 2006. At the beginning of the year, Intrarom, a division of the Greek telecommunications equipment producer Intracom, forecast a 150 million-euro turnover, an objective which cannot be achieved due to the unfavourable evolution of some of the projects and due to the lack of the necessary staff, Nikolaus Doukakis, executive manager of Intrarom, told ZF. "Projects in the public sector did not go as expected, and other projects in the private sector are still incomplete. We haven't lost contracts, however they are still being implemented," said Doukakis. In June this year, TotalSoft, Intrarom and Ascenta (Softwin) announced the creation of a consortium to implement IT solutions in public administration institutions, a project which aims to attract structural funds worth 336 million euros from the European Union.

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