ZF English

Martens: We are trying to double beer exports

16.11.2006, 19:24 9

Galati-based Martens, one of the medium-sized companies on the Romanian beer market, is undergoing a 3 million-euro retooling investment of the beer plant. "The investment is mainly aimed at modernising and retooling the plant's fermentation equipment. It was the last production facility that had to go through this process," says Vasile Joanta, general manager of Galati-based Martens. The local branch of the Belgian producer Martens Breweries, ranked fourth on the Belgian market, is the eighth largest player on the Romanian market in terms of the turnover derived in 2005. "Next year, we estimate to double our exports, increasing our overall production volume by 20%," adds Joanta. Martens currently exports 3-4% of its total production. "One of the most significant contracts that we have signed recently is to export Driver alcohol-free beer to Malaysia," says the general manager of Martens.

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