ZF English

McDonald's distributor forecasts 41m-euro turnover

11.08.2008, 18:29 8

Romdis, a distributor whose operations are 70% dedicated to McDonald's business, estimates turnover worth 150 million RON (around 41 million euros) this year, after it witnessed a 43% increase in H1 this year, against the corresponding period of last year. Romdis, the only McDonald's distribution and logistics partner, is considering an 8-10 million-euro investment in relocating storage facilities and in doubling its logistical capacity. "We have a limited storage capacity, which is why we are currently analysing several relocation options - it will be either a facility we build, or a rented facility in a logistics park in North-West Bucharest," said Dumitru Apostol, executive manager of Romdis.

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