ZF English

Metro resorts to non-stop opening hours

13.07.2004, 00:00 9

The largest trade network on the Romanian market in terms of sales, Metro Cash & Carry, has picked this summer to implement a method it had also successfully applied last winter, the non-stop opening hours.

"We are in the middle of the summer season, and some of our customers choose to stock up on supplies in the early hours of the morning or every time this is necessary. We considered such a measure allows our customers to better manage their operations, especially as in Mamaia resort, for instance, supply activities are banned after 6 am," explains Delia Nica, PR manager with Metro Cash & Carry Romania SRL.

Thus, Metro Cash & Carry of Constanta is the only unit within the network that stays open 24 hours a day during this summer.

Metro official says that, this summer, the volume of operations carried on by the cash & carry store in Constanta is going up 25% as compared to the rest of the year.

Metro is not the only group to operate a cash & carry store near the seaside city.

Rewe, another German group, owns, through its Selgros division, a cash & carry store that was opened this spring. Unlike the supermarket format or other forms of retailing, cash & carry represents a wholesale type of trade addressing the business sector and particularly professional customers (HoReCa-hotels, restaurants and catering firms).

This is not the first time German group Metro is making such a move. In late 2002, it kept its Bucharest stores opened 24 hours a day, and, at the end of last year, before Christmas, Metro was opened non-stop for ten days, a programme applied to all the 19 stores within its network.



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