ZF English

Murfatlar expects higher red wine consumption in 2005

10.03.2005, 00:00 9

Murfatlar Romania saw its market value increase last year, both in terms of value and quantity, despite the slight decline on the 0.75 litre bottle wine market due to the migration of consumption toward other types of drinks and higher sales of PET-packaged wines.

"Our market share has grown despite a lower market for 0.75 litre bottled wines. This market is shrinking despite the higher number of players. There has also been a migration of consumers toward other types of drinks because they are not properly informed," says Radu Morar, brand manager with Murfatlar Romania.

However, says Radu, the last two months have seen this market increase by 15% amid increased communication from players on the market.

The company last year made sales of almost 28 million euros, similar to the previous year. Company data show that in terms of value sales rose from 29% in 2003 to over 30% last year, while in quantitative terms Murfatlar increased its market share slightly from just over 26% to almost 28%.

"Last year, we also strengthened our brand awareness, which increased from a share of almost 28% to 32%, being the most frequently mentioned brand among consumers," company representatives said. Murfatlar Romania produces the wine brands of Lacrima lui Ovidiu, Trei Hectare, Sec de Murfatlar, Rai de Murfatlar and the Zaraza brandy. "We are highly satisfied with sales of Lacrima lui Ovidiu, which now practically has a monopoly its respective market with over 95%," says Morar.

He expects red wine consumption for this year to go up, with Romanian consumers following global trends. Last year Murfatlar Romania invested over 5 million euros in the modernisation of its production facilities.

Murfatlar Romania is part of the Euro group that recently acquired mineral water producer Bibco Biborteni for around 1 million euros plus the takeover of debts of over 9 million euros. Murfatlar shareholders are made up of domestic investors.

The average price of 0.75l bottle has risen consistently from 1.7 dollars in 2002 to 2.9 dollars last year.

Over the same period the dry and sweet wine segment shrank in comparison with the semi-dry and semi-sweet segment.

This trend is largely the result of the move by some major players on the market from the semi-dry to the semi-sweet segment. Red wine consumption was also higher than that of white wine and rose. stelian.negrea@zf.ro


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