ZF English

New acquisitions will double Hame turnover

19.05.2008, 19:30 9

Martin Jagos, CEO of Czech-based food group Hame, said the turnover of the local division, Hame Romania, would at least double in three to five years, in the wake of an increase in the production capacities and acquisitions.
In 2007, the group's turnover in Romania was estimated at 20 million euros. "Investment fund Nordic Partners aims to double the group's turnover during the coming three-five years. This will be prompted by an organic turnover increase, aided by acquisitions, for which the group has enough funds," said Martin Jagos, who added that the Romanian increase was expected to be higher than the increase registered by the entire group.
Hame was taken over in the first part of the year by Icelandic investment fund Nordic Partners, but, according to Hame representatives, this will not affect Romanian operations.
"Nordic Partners representatives have already confirmed the company organisational structure, the turnover, the investment plans and have also reconfirmed this year's budgets," he explained.
Hame Romania is set to have a new general manager, after Petr Subrt is replaced by Polish-born Robert Kowalski, 34, former general manager of Czech wine maker Soare Sekt, who has been recruited to run the local branch of the group."Bringing Robert Kowalski to the head of Hame Romania is a strategic decision. Expats have a three or four-year mandate, and Petr Subrt has done a very good job running Hame in Romania in its first few years on the Romanian market. He has achieved the objectives and has run the company well," said Jagos.
He added that now, Subrt will have a choice between staying in Romania and going back to the Czech Republic. Petr Subrt could not be contacted for further details on his departure by the time this issue was ready for print.
"It is a challenge and an opportunity to come and work in Romania, because this is a good and rapidly growing market. I have been present at the company headquarters for a month now, in order to become more familiar with the company, and especially with Romania. Over the next six months, I want to become as knowledgeable as possible about the local market," said Kowalski.
As for the group's strategy, Hame representatives continue to be interested in acquisitions both in Romania and in the neighbouring countries, with the main focus being companies that have a strong brand, the acquisition of which would enable Hame to become market leaders.
"Nordic Partners wants to boost Hame's production in Central and Eastern Europe. At present, we have two or three acquisition opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe," said Jagos. He added that new acquisitions are being discussed in Hungary, Ukraine, as well as other neighbouring countries, and that greenfield investments are also being considered.
"These investments will have a positive impact on Romania, because we want to conduct an acquisition outside Romania, and relocate part of the production of that plant to the Caracal-based plant," said the CEO of the Hame group.

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