ZF English

One switch among top mandatory pension funds

23.07.2008, 19:38 9

BRD has managed to move ahead of the mandatory pension fund managed by BT Aegon, after the third round of contribution collections, which took place at the beginning of this week. All in all, the second pillar pension funds received 27.15 million euros in contributions for May at the beginning of this week. The amount is 3.7% lower than in June, when contributions for April were deposited, according to the National Pension and Other Social Security Rights Office. The average contribution per employee stood at 8.31 euros, compared with 8.59 euros in the previous month. The switch between the funds managed by BRD and BT Aegon was made possible by the fact that the contribution per client to the French-managed fund leapt from 8.78 euros to 10.35 euros, which indicates a higher level of salaries. On the other hand, the participants of the fund managed by BT Aegon saw the average contribution go down from 7.81 to 7.75 euros.

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