ZF English

Orange posts 239m-euro revenues in Q1

02.05.2006, 00:00 5

In the first quarter of this year, revenues derived by Orange Romania mobile telephony operator rose to 239 million euros, 23% higher that in the same time last year, against a 34 percent increase in the number of customers, to 7.1 million.

Orange Romania in the first quarter of 2005 posted revenues worth 178 million euros, 46.2 percent higher than in the first quarter of 2004. The more the revenues increase, the slower the pace of growth becomes.

"We saw spectacular sales growth on the business segment, beyond projections for the first quarter of the current year," Orange Romania officials told ZIARUL FINANCIAR.

Last year, Orange Romania''s turnover reached 870 million euros, up 39.2 percent compared with 2004. In the last three months of last year, the mobile telephony operator posted turnover standing at 249 million euros, compared with the 188 million-euro level witnessed in the similar period of 2004.

As for the segments that are going to see the most significant increase this year, Orange Romania officials told ZIARUL FINANCIAR that "the highest increase of the subscriber base will be (registered) on the business segment, in comparison to the residential one, but the pace of growth will fall slightly compared with the previous year".

With these trends in mind, Orange Romania will attempt to strengthen its position as an integrated operator of data and mobile and fixed voice services for business sector customers, say the representatives of the operator.

The company will focus on products and services that make working outside the office easier for businesspersons: real-time access to e-mail, mobile access to broadband Internet (EDGE/3G) and the expansion of EDGE coverage nationwide.

Orange Romania officials chose not to reveal any additional details on the launch calendar of 3G mobile telephony services, which should be available "by late June".

In April 2005, France Telecom boosted its indirect interest in Orange Romania to 96.63%, by purchasing over 23% in the company from a group of investors led by the AIG New Europe Fund, for 523 million dollars in cash.

Globally, France Telecom''s revenues advanced by 10.3%, to 12.8 billion euros, while its number of customers rose by 16.8%, to 147 million people.

The main competitor of Orange Romania on the domestic market is Vodafone mobile telephony operator, which at the end of last year had 6.1 million customers.

Vodafone Romania did not disclose its revenues for last year in nominal value, but given the increases announced by the company and its previous financial results, the total revenues of Connex-Vodafone last year exceeded 766 million euros.

Orange Romania

@ In the first quarter of this year saw an increase of 23% in revenues, to 239m euros amid a 34% increase in the number of customers, to 7.1 million.

@ In Q1 of 2005 had derived revenues worth 178m euros, up 46.2% from Q1 of 2004

@ Derived turnover worth 870 million euros last year, 39.2% higher compared with 2004

@ Will try to consolidate its position as an integrated operator of mobile and fixed voice and data services for business segment customers

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