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Pepsi Americas starts construction on third Romanian factory

Pepsi Americas starts construction on third Romanian factory
19.03.2008, 19:59 12

Pepsi Americas, the domestic bottler of PepsiCo products, has started building a third factory in Romania in order to boost production capacities, with investments scheduled to last until 2010-2011. Pepsi Americas Romania plans to open its third factory in the second quarter of 2009, and could transfer bottling lines from its Bucharest plant. Around half of overall investments (approximately 34 million dollars), as estimated last year by Mike Holmes, chairman of Pepsi Americas Romania, (photo), could be spent before the year is out. "Investments in the new factory (located on the outskirts of Bucharest) will continue after the unit opens. We could invest in several lines by 2010-2011, depending on how the market develops," stated Holmes. According to Holmes, the factory on Viilor Street, the only facility that Pepsi Americas has in Bucharest, will not close when the new facility opens. The company owns another bottling factory in Covasna, where it could continue to invest in order to boost production capacities. "A new plant in Bucharest was necessary because the facility on Viilor Street cannot expand any further due to the lack of available land. In addition, Bucharest's ongoing development means that our production facilities are now located the central area of the city." The Pepsi factory on Viilor Street will most likely be converted into a storage facility when the new plant opens.

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