ZF English

RAM: To start with, we will sell voluntary pensions to corporate clients

09.09.2008, 00:05 8

Raiffeisen Asset Management (RAM), a company that recently launched a voluntary pension fund (3rd pillar), will start off by selling pensions to companies, relying mainly on the credit portfolio of the parent bank. "To start with, corporate sales will be a priority. We will address companies that are in business relations with Raiffeisen Bank, but not only. As for retail sales, figures will increase in time, as people understand better the advantages and the necessity of a voluntary pension," says Mihail Ion, head of RAM. The company launched its voluntary pensions fund, Raiffeisen Acumulare, in June, and had 106 clients at the end of August, according to data from the Private Pensions Supervisory Commission. The fund is a medium risk investor, and places 75% of its assets in fixed income financial instruments and 25% in listed shares, according to the target portfolio.

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