ZF English

Robank supports funding for SMEs

31.05.2001, 00:00 8

SMEs funding has become one of the hottest issues lately, as most international financing institutions recommend that more attention should be paid to it. "SMEs are vital for any country.

Encouraging them to develop means changing the current trend, stimulating future prosperity and paving Romania's way to the European Union," Lord Lamont, manager of RoBank and of the English-Romanian Chamber of Commerce in London, told the "Support for SMEs development in Romania.

A private British contribution" seminar held by RoBank. "We are actively involved in the life of small and medium-sized enterprises, we understand their problems and we realise that bankers cannot solve them by themselves," RoBank chairman Mustafa Ayan said.

He mentioned that "the lack of money is not the only obstacle in the way of SME survival. Other aspects such as business culture, understanding of what performance management means and thorough legislation study are also important and this is why we have decided to lend a helping hand."

This is why RoBank in April concluded a partnership with Eximbank to participate in the DM50 million funding programme for SMEs that have investment projects. The funding comes from KfW Germany.

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