ZF English

Romcarbon targets 8.6m-euro revenues

10.08.2004, 00:00 10

Plastics manufacturer Romcarbon Buzau ended last year with 8 million-euro turnover and expects this indicator to reach 8.6 million euros this year, that is a real growth of 8%. As for next year, Romcarbon planned to attain 9.7 million euros in turnover, with 10.9 million euros as 2006's target, the company officials explained. The most important products for Romcarbon's turnover are automotive filters, polyethylene products, masks to protect respiratory tracts, PVC pipes and other PVC products. Romcarbon has recently opened an EPS (expanded polystyrene) tray assembly line. One use of EPS is in the packaging of fruit and meat in supermarkets. The investment in the production line amounted to 0.3 million euros. ZF


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