ZF English

Sensiblu to sell 20m-euro cosmetics

09.03.2006, 00:00 4

Sensiblu, the biggest local network of drugstores, part of A&D Pharma, estimates to sell cosmetics worth 20 million euros this year, which accounts for 16% of its turnover, given that the retailer has recently expanded its portfolio to include the British brand Boots. "Boots cosmetics will fetch 1.5 million euros this year, with revenues from this brand to rise to 5 million euros until 2008," stated Dragos Dinu, chairman of A&D Pharma. Boots is the leader of the British market in the beauty and healthcare products sector. Sensiblu started talks with the British company with regard to this project two years ago, after it had previously developed a partnership with Boots healthcare International to distribute the drugs Nurofen, Strepsils and Clerasil. Investments in this project will stand at 1.3 million euros for the first three years and will be used for setting up Boots stands inside Sensiblu drugstores, for training sessions for specialised personnel and for innovative projects. ZF

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