ZF English

Weather bulletin of the Romanian economy over next year

17.11.2010, 23:53 10

The uncertainty of government measures and the instability ofthe political scene could act as a dampener for the Romanianeconomy in 2011, a year when regaining trust would amount to thebreath of fresh air that the Romanian economy needs, is the messagesuggested by Codruţ Pascu, managing partner of Roland BergerStrategy Consultants, in his presentation at the ZF Gala.
"I strongly believe the most important factor in short and mediumterm development of the Romanian economy has to do with what theBritons call 'revival of the animal spirits'," Pascu said.
In a "weather bulletin" of the Romanian economy at macroeconomiclevel, as well as on a sector-by-sector basis, the Roland Bergerconsultant identified the sectors that will not need umbrellas in2011: pharmaceuticals, private medical services, as well asproduction of electrical equipment and machines.
There are positive prospects also for the auto, energy, utility,oil and gas industries, logistics and distribution, with cloudsstill hanging over constructions and real estate, as well as overthe textile industry.

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